Musical Thinkers

     Can you imagine how musical thinkers think? They think in music. They tell by singing. They listen to music. They write music.

Musical thinkers like music. In history, there are some people who are musical thinkers. Mozart is one of the famous musical thinkers. He is sensitive to the sounds. He wrote songs that tells stories. He spoke music. His life was full of music.

I am a musical thinker, too. I like to sing with songs. Singing makes me feel happy. When I feel sad, I sing with sad songs. By doing so I feel better. I enjoy listening to music. I like to listen to soft music when I am reading. When singing with lyrics, I can imagine what writer’s think. I like to watch musical dramas in my free time. Stories with good music always make a deep impression. When you heard the song again, it recalls the story.

Career suits musical thinkers. Musical thinkers are sensitive to sounds and rhythms of words as well as their meanings. They can be musician if they are gifted. Musical thinkers will feel a strong connection between music and emotions. They can be singers like John Lennon. Thinkers tend to think in sounds, and may also think in rhythms and melodies. They can be sound engineers.

        What musical thinkers think? Now you tell me.


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